A Baptized Child of God & A Proverb 31 Woman – Funeral Sermon for Kay Sikkila

Sermon Text: John 5:24-28

We just heard a moment ago the summary of Kay’s life. Kay was a loving mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, caregiver, and so much more to so many people. She loved to be around people and touched the lives of many during her time here on earth. She never hesitated to help anyone who may have been in need whether it be her family, a friend, a colleague, or customers at the jobs she worked at. She always greeted people with a smile and more often than not a hug and she will be deeply missed by her family, friends and everyone whose lives she touched. Martin Luther once said that we should live a life of “Faith active in love” and Kay’s life was an example of just that. She certainly was a gift of God’s love and a blessing to us all. But so much more could be said about her.

We’re all here because we each carry around a piece of that special touch of love that Kay gave out so well. Each one of us has a special memory of our time with her that will last as God’s way of keeping her present in our lives. I knew her myself only briefly as a lost man who stumbled on her porch on a hot summer evening looking for directions. Instead of getting mad or shooing me away, she excitedly welcomed me to the community & we enjoyed a nice conversation about the prospects of the Tigers & Packers. “Gracious” was the memory she left me. When I spoke with her son JR & daughter-in-law Jeanine about it they weren’t surprised & said if I had stayed a little bit more I might’ve gotten cookies!

They described to me a lady of faith, strong & active in Christ’s Church wherever she lived. That deep faith of hers then flowed out actively into daily acts of love & kindness like meeting her grandson Jace every time he came off the bus or going to all her grandchildren’s ball games & being proud of all they did or being the loving mom who’s house all the kids in the neighborhood that were friends of her 4 sons happily came over to play at because they were welcomed with joy or as the generous family member who always made sure everyone was well fed with yummy holiday food & made to feel special on their birthdays by baking them the most delicious cake in the county. Truly, the fruits of the Spirit flowed from her daily & readily. When I asked for help in summing up Kay’s life & the impact of her love, Jeannie quickly said to me: “She was a ‘Proverbs 31’ woman. She did so many little acts of love for so many folks just like the Pv31 woman did, that’s the only way I can describe her life right.”

That’s why you see Proverb 31 quoted on the front of your bulletin. Kay was God’s gift to us. But now she is gone. And it would be a tragedy if that’s where I had to stop, today. But the Lord has called me to say much more than that. His Spirit leads me to declare to you this amazing fact: All of you will have more loving times to enjoy with her in the future because Kay & you’ll both be raised to new life.

If you think what I just said is impossible – is simply crazy talk – I want you to listen to what God has to say about Kay in the context of our Bible reading from Jn. 5:24-28: “The time is coming that after Kay is buried that she will hear my voice…& will come forth into the resurrection to life.” You see, Jesus’ voice is very powerful & it has all the authority of God to summon Kay out of the grave & back to life.

Now, we must admit that death has a way of destroying all in its path & that is truly a terrible thing. It causes grief. It makes us cry. It wounds our tired spirits & It separates us from our loved ones like Kay.

Death is all consuming too. It’s not just something that came to Kay but will bypass us either. Someday, it will silence us too; no more words of love & affirmation like we received from her for so long. It will also cause our muscles to be still; no more comforting smiles & affectionate hugs like Kay always gave to her family & friends. It will have its way with our bodies too in the end turning us to ashes & putting us in graves. No doubt, death causes grief. It makes us cry. It seems to be unbeatable.

All true, yes. But thanks to the cross of Christ, death has been beaten. Death does not get to have the final word over you, me, or Kay. Jesus says that after death stings us & buries us, He has a New Word to speak. Indeed, Jesus will speak over Kay’s & all of our graves & our dead ears will hear. We’ll hear Jesus’ powerful voice & a miracle will happen. Death will & must let us go & we’ll rise up to new life.

Now, with that in mind, even as we weep over the loss death caused, let us be still & listen to Jesus’ voice. Yes, hear the Lord’s Words that promise death is not the end of the story for our blessed Kay.

As I related earlier, I was graced by God in my conversation this week with JR & Jeanie to become a small part of that story of love that was the gift of Kay’s life. Truly, many heart-warming memories were shared by them with me. But the subject of dancing never came up so I’m not sure if Kay was a dancer or not. But, based on her loving personality, I suspect that on that great last day, when the resurrection comes, Kay will jump up & dance a happy jig. Indeed, she will most certainly giggle & dance as God’s power raises her up from the grave. Then I am quite sure she will go find us to join in.

Yes, it will be a joyous day because this is what God in His love has planned & promised to us. The Bible describes resurrection day as a time when we will be like young calves leaping out of our barn stalls to run in the field or prisoners bursting loose from our chains or a bride’s wedding feast w/o end.

Brothers & Sisters in Christ: I pray that the Holy Spirit works in you the gift of faith & understanding so you know how incredibly wonderful that day will be. Our bodily pain will be gone forever. Death won’t be able to hold us down because God’s love for us is stronger than all our pain & even our death.

This is most certainly true: Kay & you & I will all see with our very own eyes how 100% of God’s Almightiness & Glory has been used to save us. Death will have to obey the voice of Jesus. Death & the grave will have to let us go free. Kay will hear the voice of Jesus & just like that, in the twinkling of an eye, Kay will be let loose. She will come forth out of the grave to new life. She’ll do a jig & giggle. Then she will joyously bake another yummy birthday cake because she will be free from death forever.

So today, as Paul wrote so well in 1 Th. 4:13, we do not have to mourn without hope. We have hope for the future because we’ve been given the Gospel promise that our sin & death was taken by Jesus to the cross & defeated there. He rose again, found us in the waters of Baptism, & declared us to be forgiven.

And so, on that great last day for Kay, you, me & all the other Baptized Saints, it won’t be a day of dread or fear or condemnation because Jesus, the friend of sinners, died for us. So now today, & every other day when 2 or 3 gather in His name, He announces to us His eternal judgment to bless us forever.

Hear this well now: Jesus has chosen you, me, & Kay to be His children forever because He loves us. So come resurrection day, we’ll be raised up because He’s said we’ve already passed from death to life.

I tell you truthfully here in this place today, these are the Words that Jesus will say to you & me & Kay: “Come out of your graves, Dear Children! Inherit the kingdom that I’ve prepared for you! Well done, good & faithful friends. It’s my joy to give you new life, give you eternity, & give you peace!”

Therefore, friends & relatives of Kay, as we go today, it’s okay to grieve the brief separation we must endure. But, always remember this: Today we’ve received the assurance that the dead in Christ will rise again & as they rise, they rise to victory, life, joy, & bliss. Yes, let us deeply sorrow over the death of Kay now, but let us even more, with the power of the Holy Spirit, cling to the sure hope of the resurrection where we’ll see our dear sister again – & dance & giggle & enjoy a piece of birthday cake!

In Jesus’ name, may these His Words of truth & blessing give you His peace now & always. Amen!


Sung Funeral by Katie Waara with Piano by Mike Roberts

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